Neon atomic emission spectrum
Neon atomic emission spectrum

neon atomic emission spectrum

The apparatus for this absorption measurement is described elsewhere.

neon atomic emission spectrum

We recorded the far-ultraviolet absorption spectrum of condensed samples and irradiated these samples with light from the synchrotron in Taiwan Light Source at National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC). 8 Visible absorption spectra of NH 2, NHD and ND 2 in Ar, 8 and of emission and excitation of photoluminescence of NH and ND 9,10 in solidified noble gases have been reported chemiluminescent spectra of N, O 2, NO, N 2 and NH have also been observed during the warming of mixtures of NH 3 and H 2O in solid argon subjected to photolysis with vacuum-ultraviolet light in a broad band. 7 Irradiation from 149 to 164 nm of NH 3 in Ar at 4 K generated NH 2 and NH in approximately equal proportions, although prolonged photolysis decreased the yield of NH 2, likely due to secondary photolysis. 5 Mid-infrared spectral lines were assigned 6 to both NH 2 and NH after photolysis of NH 3 in solid N 2 a similar experiment involving photolysis of HN 3 in solid Ar generated lines attributed to NH and ND. 3 The photolysis of NH 3 in solid Ar with radiation of wave length less than 200 nm sufficed to generate spectra in the visible and near-ultraviolet region of NH 2 but a wave length less than 155 nm was required to produce NH, 4 in contrast with 160 nm from gaseous NH 3. 2 Following the flash photolysis of gaseous NH 3 and ND 3, an analysis of the complicated electronic absorption spectra of NH 2 and ND 2 incorporated both vibrational and rotational aspects. 1 Triatomic NH 2 but not NH was identified as a primary photochemical product of the photolysis of also N 2H 4. Gaseous product NH 2 but not NH was identified with its electronic absorption spectra after flash photolysis of NH 3. The products of decomposition of ammonia with ultraviolet light have been investigated extensively for both gaseous ammonia and ammonia in solid dispersions.

Neon atomic emission spectrum